孕婦體內測出多種化學毒物 全美各地都有
環境資訊中心 更新日期:"2011/01/21 11:05" 洪美惠
UCSF「生殖健康和環境」學程主任伍德拉夫(Tracey Woodruff)表示,「在孕婦體內發現到這麼多化學物質,而且完全不知道這些化學物質對懷孕過程的影響,這實在令人感到驚訝及憂慮。」
此次調查對象有96%婦女體內有雙酚A。雙酚A用於增加塑膠硬度及透明度,是環氧樹脂成分之一,而環氧樹脂則常用作食品或飲料罐的內層塗料。研究人員說,胎兒於產前接觸到雙酚A,腦部發育將會受影響,日後罹患癌症的機率也會增加。 Toxic Chemicals Found in Nearly All Pregnant U.S. Women SAN FRANCISCO, California, January 14, 2011 (ENS)
The bodies of virtually all pregnant women across the United States carry multiple toxic chemicals. Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco detected some chemicals banned since the 1970s and others used in common products such as non-stick cookware, processed foods and personal care products.
The researchers analyzed data for 268 pregnant women from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2004, a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population. Their findings are published in the journal "Environmental Health Perspectives," a publication of the federal government.
"It was surprising and concerning to find so many chemicals in pregnant women without fully knowing the implications for pregnancy," said lead author Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH, director of the UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment.
Analyzing data for 163 chemicals, Woodruff and her team detected polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs; organochlorine pesticides; perfluorinated compounds, PFCs; phenols; polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs; phthalates; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs; and perchlorate in 99 to 100 percent of pregnant women.
Among the chemicals found in the study group were PBDEs, compounds used as flame retardants now banned in many states including California, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDT, an organochlorine pesticide banned in the United States in 1972.
Bisphenol A, which makes plastic hard and clear, and is found in epoxy resins that are used to line the inside of metal food and beverage cans, was identified in 96 percent of the women surveyed. Prenatal exposure to BPA has been linked to adverse health outcomes, affecting brain development and increasing susceptibility to cancer later in life, said the researchers.
孕婦體內測出多種化學毒物 全美各地都有
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