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[DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum v.0.0.4 (en)

發表於 : 2011-09-07 , 16:26
[DEV] Last X [attachments] on Forum v.0.0.4 (en)

MOD-Title: Last X [attachments] on Forum
MOD-Version: 0.0.4
MOD-Author: 4seven

Credits: irdem for a code-part of Attached taken photos by you
Credits: John Davenport Scheuer for Crawl Script
Credits: Beta-Tester: jonnilaumann

MOD-Description: This Mod shows the last X [attachments] on Viewforum or Index

phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Languages: en (at this time hardcoded, bcs. of little language entrys), de follows
phpBB-Styles: all Styles, that are based on prosilver, (subsilver2 follows)

http://4seven.kilu.de/phpbb3/index.php ----------------------- (Crawl-Script - prosilver)
http://4seven.kilu.de/phpbb3/index.php?style=3 -------------- (Crawl-Script - subsilver2)
http://4seven.kilu.de/phpbb3/index.php?style=4 -------------- (Crawl-Script - AeroBlue)

- shows the last X [attachments] from topics on viewforum or index
- attachments only shown from forums the user have rights to read
- if user have no rights to read in any forum the div was invisible (new in v.0.0.2)
- auto-fit the number of thumbs to screen-resolution
- real attach-thumbs without client-resizing
- centered and prosilver-styled
- thread-title in link title-tag
- direct link from attach to post
- dead link check
- min-thumbing -function
- cleaned and optimized script
- two versions available (Standard Script and Crawl Script)

NEW in v.0.0.3
- subsilver added
- css added (now it looks like on testforum (css-image-hover))
- Little structural changes to main includes
- Delete-orphaned-thumbs Module in Postbox (under 'Lock topic' in 'Options')

NEW in v.0.0.4
- min-thumbing -function
no pic is thumbing under given size of $convert_mx_size = 100; - adjustable in include/last_x_attachments_on_forum.php and include/last_x_attachments_on_forum_crawl.php - no matter if its the width or height that is under 100
- increase performance of thumbing-process bcs. of new include/thumb_resize.php
- increase board performance bcs.of smaller pic-size: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p11908835

Planned for v.0.0.5
- new "mix" size-option - squares pics to exact fit (takes the center-part (if not squared allready))
- time-controlled orphan function by request: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p11909265

- ACP??
- ??



Edit註解: Demos: