【準備懷孕】 婦科/產科健康問卷調查範本
作者﹕葛雷德‧柯提斯、茱蒂斯‧史考勒 譯:張國燕
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Sample OB/GYN Questionnaire
In addition to your name, address, phone number and insurance information, your healthcare provider will need information about your health and lifestyle. If you fill it out before you go to your
first appointment, you'll have time to think about what you need to know or are unsure of. Read the pages listed next to each question for more information about that particular issue.
Do you think you are currently
Pregnant?□ yes□ no□ unsure
妳覺得自己懷孕了嗎?□是 □不是 □不確定
Health History 健康資料
Genetic 家族遺傳病史
Check if any of the following apply List drugs you are allergic to: to you or anyone in your family.
See the page listed next to each condition for information on that condition and how it relates to pregnancy.
□ Birth defects (see pages 17,164)先天缺陷或畸形(見17,164頁)
□ Cystic fibrosis (seepage 17) 纖維囊泡症
□ Down syndrome(see pages 17, 19, 125, 164, 171) 唐氏症
□ Hemophilia (see pages 17,164) 血友病
□ Huntington's chorea亨丁頓氏舞蹈症
□ Hydrocephalus(see pages 125, 184) 水腦症
□ Muscular dystrophy(see page 17) 肌肉萎縮症
□ Sickle cell trait/disease(see pages 17,164, 210) 鎌狀細胞症危象
□ Spina bifida/anencephaly(see pages 17, 156, 164) 脊柱裂/先天無腦無脊髓畸形
□ Tay-Sachs (see page 17)黑矇性家族性白癡,泰賽二氏症
□ Thalassemia (seepage 212) 地中海貧血
□ Other:其他
Medical 妳及家族的醫療資料
□ Anemia (see pages 10,210) 貧血
□ Asthma (see pages 10,261) 氣喘
□ Blood disease/transfusion(see page 193) 血液疾病/曾經輸過血
□ Cancer (see pages 11, 138, 158, 277) 癌症
□ Cardiac (heart) disease(see page 13) 心臟疾病
□ Diabetes mellitus (see pages 11,220) 糖尿病
□ Drug allergy 藥物過敏
List drugs you allergic to 詳列妳會過敏的藥物:
□ Gastrointestinal disease 胃腸疾病
□ HIV (see page 81) 人類免疫缺陷病毒,愛滋病
□ Hypertension (high blood pressure) (see pages 13,287) 高血壓
□ Kidney and bladder problems(see pages 11, 181) 腎臟及膀胱的問題
□ Liver disease 肝臟的疾病
□ Lung disease 肺臟的疾病
□ Lupus (see pages 13, 255) 紅斑性狼瘡
□ Organ transplant 器官移植
□ Psychiatric disease 精神疾病
□ Seizure disorder (see pages 12,243) 抽搐疾病
□ Stroke 中風
□ Surgeries 外科手術
□ Thyroid disease (see pages 14,236) 甲狀腺疾病
□ Venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolism (see page 199) 靜脈栓塞/肺栓塞
□ Other其他:
Obstetric Risk Factors (Pregnancy History)產科危險因子(產科史)
Check if any of the following applied to you (not your family) during a previous pregnancy. See the page listed next to each risk factor for further information.
□ Abortion 流產
□ Abruption (see page 301) 胎盤早期剝離
□ Age 35 or older at time of delivery (see page 18) 分娩時,年齡超過35歲
□ Antibody sensitization 抗體過敏反應
□ Fetal distress in labor(see pages 296, 345) 分娩時出現胎兒窘迫症
□ Fetus or infant had a birth defect 胎兒或者嬰兒出現先天畸形
□ Incompetent cervix (see page 229) 子宮頸閉鎖不全
□ Infant admitted to NICU 嬰兒曾住過嬰兒加護病房
□ Infant heavier than 9 pounds at birth 嬰兒出生體重超過9磅
□ Infant with IUGR (see page 281) 胎兒曾出現胎兒子宮內生長遲滯
□ Multiple gestation (see page 292) 多胎妊娠
□ Placenta previa (see page 325) 前置胎盤
□ Poly/oligohydramnios(see page 227) 羊水過多/羊水過少
□ Pre-eclampsia (seepage 288) 子癇前症
□ Previous Cesarean section(see page 331) 曾剖腹生產
Uterine incision type:子宮手術方式
□ Prior preterm birth (37 weeks or less) (see page 266) 曾早產(孕期少於37週)
□ Recurrent urinary-tract infection(see pages 11, 181) 泌尿道的感染反覆發作
□ Stillbirth/neonatal death(see page 94) 死產/胎死腹中
□ Other:其他
Risk Factors for Preterm Birth
Check if any of the following applies to you. See the page listed next to each risk factor for more information on that factor.
□ 2 or more abortions requiring D&C (see pages 94,111, 229) 2胎或者2胎以上曾經需要做墮胎手 術
□ African American 非洲裔
□ DES exposure 曾接觸或服用過量二乙基合成雌性激素
□ Drug abuse (including alcohol)(see pages 23, 40, 60) 藥物濫用,嗑藥
□ History of sexually transmitted diseases (see pages 26, 78) 曾罹患性病
□ Known uterine malformation 已知有子宮畸形或子宮異常
□ Older than 35 years old (see page 18) 年齡超過35歲
□ Previous uterine surgery 子宮曾開過刀
□ Prior preterm birth (37 weeks or less) (see page 266) 之前曾經早產(小於或等於37週)
□ Psychosocial/physical abuse 曾遭受心理或生理的虐待
□ Smoking (see pages 24,38) 抽煙
□ Weight: less than 55 kg (121 Ibs) 體重低於55公斤(約121磅)
□ Younger than 18 years old 小於18歲
□ Other其他:
Other Children 其他小孩的狀況
Fill in the following information about other children you have, starting with the oldest.
1. Name姓名:
Birth hospital and city出生醫院及城市:
Weight at birth出生體重:
Gestational age at birth出生時的懷孕週數:
Maternal age出生時,母親的年齡:
Labor length分娩的時間,花了多久:
Anesthesia used是否有使用麻醉:
Delivery type生產的方式為何:
Maternal problems母親當時有無問題:
Newborn problems新生兒出世時,有無問題:
2. Name姓名:
Birth hospital and city出生醫院及城市:
Weight at birth出生體重:
Gestational age at birth出生時的懷孕週數:
Maternal age出生時,母親的年齡:
Labor length分娩的時間,花了多久:
Anesthesia used是否有使用麻醉:
Delivery type生產的方式為何:
Maternal problems母親當時有無問題:
Newborn problems新生兒出世時,有無問題:
Medications 藥物
Please list all medications you currently take, recently stopped taking or plan to take:
Start date開始服用日期:
Stop date (if any)如果停藥,請寫下停藥時間及日期:
Start date開始服用日期:
Stop date (if any) 如果停藥,請寫下停藥時間及日期:
Start date開始服用日期:
Stop date (if any) 如果停藥,請寫下停藥時間及日期:
Do you regularly take any over-the-counter medications, vitamins, minerals, herbs or other supplements? Please list them below.
Lifestyle 妳的生活型態
‧Do you use tobacco? (see pages 24,38) 妳抽煙嗎?(見24,38頁)
‧How much alcohol do you drink per week? (see pages 24, 40, 59, 62) 妳每週大概會喝多少酒?(見24,40,59,62頁)
‧Do you take any drugs that aren't prescribed for you? (see pages 23,60) 妳有沒有服用任何 非處方藥?(見23,60頁)
‧If yes, what kind(s)? 如果有,是哪些藥?
‧How often? 吃過多少次?
‧How much caffeine do you ingest per day (including chocolate, coffee, soda, caffeinated tea)? (see pages 62,141) 妳每天會接觸多少咖啡因?喝幾杯咖啡?(包括巧克力,咖啡,可樂,及含 咖啡因飲料)(見62,141頁)
‧Are you currently trying to lose weight? (see page 20) 妳最近曾經試著減重嗎?(見20頁)
‧Are you currently trying to gain weight? (see page 20) 妳最曾經嘗試增加體重嗎?(見20頁)
‧How often do you exercise? 妳多久運動一次?
‧What kind of exercise? (see page 50) 妳都做哪些運動?
‧What do you do for a living? (see pages 25, 139) 妳做什麼工作?
‧Are you exposed to any chemicals in the workplace? (see pages 25, 64) 妳工作的環境,會不 會接觸任何化學物質?(見25,64頁)
‧Do you lift heavy objects or stand for long periods of time? (see pages 25,141) 妳需要舉重物,或長時間站立嗎?(見25,141頁)
‧What kind of contraception are you currently using, if any? (see pages 5,69) 妳有沒有避孕,如果有,是採用哪種避孕方法?(見5,69頁)
‧What was the date of the start of your last period? 最後一次來月經的日期為何
‧Have you ever been tested for any sexually transmitted diseases(STDs)? (see pages 26, 78) 妳有沒有做過任何性病的篩檢檢驗?(見26,78頁)
‧If so, when and what were the results? 如果有,什麼時候做的?結果如何?
‧If not, have you ever placed yourself at risk for an STD? (seepages 26, 78) 如果沒做過檢驗,那妳是否曾經有過不安全(可能會感染性病)的性行為?
‧Has your partner been tested for any STDs? 妳的性伴侶做過性病的檢驗嗎?
‧If so, when and what were the results? 如果做過,什麼時候做的?結果如何?
‧If not, has he ever placed himself at risk for an STD? 如果沒做過,他是否有過不安全(可能會感染性病)的性行為?
‧Have you ever been tested for H IV? (see page 81) 妳有沒有做過愛滋病的檢驗?
‧If so, when and what were the results? 如果有,什麼時候做的?結果如何?
‧If not, have you ever risked exposure to HIV? (see page 81) 如果沒做過檢驗,那妳是否曾經有過不安全(可能會感染愛滋病)的性行為?
‧Has your partner ever been tested for HIV? 妳的性伴侶做過愛滋病病的檢驗嗎?
‧If so, when and what were the results? 如果做過,什麼時候做的?結果如何?
‧If not, has he ever risked exposure to HIV? 如果沒做過檢驗,那他是否曾經有過不安全(可能會感染愛滋病)的性行為?
Please list any medical tests (including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and anything else involving radiation) you've had in the past 6 months最近6個月內,是否做過任何放射線檢查(包括各種X光檢查,電腦斷層掃描,核磁共振造影檢查等):
Do you plan to take any medical tests in the near future? When? Why? 妳最近有安排做任何檢查嗎?為什麼要做?什麼時候做?
Please list any vaccinations you've had in the past 6 months: 過去6個月內,是否曾經接受疫苗注射?
Do you plan to have any vaccinations in the near future? When? Why? 妳計劃最近接受疫苗注射嗎?什麼時候?為什麼?
Please list any questions or concerns you have about your current or future pregnancy:
