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外掛名稱: Post Count Resync

發表於 : 2006-04-17 , 15:57
外掛名稱: Post Count Resync


代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: Post Count Resync 
## MOD Version: 1.2.1 
## Author: R45 < adam at (@) rasadam.com > Adam Alkins - http://www.rasadam.com 
## Description: This is an admin module for the ACP system. It will allow you to resync all user's post 
## counts to their correct figure. 
## Installation Level: Easy 
## Installation Time: 2 Minutes 
## Files To Edit: none 
## Included Files: admin_post_count_resync.php, admin_pcount_resync_simple.tpl, admin_pcount_resync_adv.tpl 
## lang_pcount_resync.php 
## This MOD is released under the GPL License. 
## Intellectual Property is retained by the MOD Author(s) listed above 
## Please visit http://www.rasadam.com/phpbb.php?id=2 for the latest version of 
## this MOD or the place you downloaded it from. 
## Authors Notes: 
## All you need to do is upload the appropriate files into their directories 
## and it will show up in the Administration Panel under the User Admin Section. 
## You can run this script as often as you want when you wish to resync the 
## post counts. 
## --- 1.2.1 --- 
## Fixed bug with incorrect function calls when getting post counts 
## --- 1.2.0 --- 
## Fixed hardcoded SID bug in the find username button 
## Fixed bug if you tried to resync with no forums in advanced mode 
## Fixed bug with "Find a username" function not selecting username 
## Fixed bug with fixed path for the "Find a username" button 
## Removed some function calling in the language files 
## --- 1.1.1 --- 
## Bug fixed which caused an SQL error when One forum is used to resync in advanced mode (Thanks to admin@thewiz.co.il for the heads up) 
## --- 1.1.0 --- 
## Complete Rewrite 
## Now features a Batch mode to resync accounts in batch and resume at a point for large boards 
## Allows specifying amount of account to resync per batch 
## Resync only a specific user if you want 
## Resync only in certain forums 
## Faster queries 
## --- 1.0.2 --- 
## Fixed Body Language Variable Bug 
## Fixed Result Bug (sprintf not called) 
## --- 1.0.1 --- 
## Added (Hopefully) MsSQL support (Slight syntax change) 
## Added Language File Compatability 
## Minor Code Cleanup 
## Added GPL Headers 
## Fixed Module Categorisation 
## --- 1.0.0 --- 
## Initial Release 
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 

File: resync_user_pcounts-1.2.1.rar successfully uploaded!

Here is a link:

http://d.turboupload.com/d/516699/resyn ... 1.rar.html

password: wbbc.strangled.net


