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Pharmacology & Pharmacy《药理与制药》期刊导读

發表於 : 2011-07-29 , 16:55
Pharmacology & Pharmacy《药理与制药》期刊导读
ISSN: 2157-9423 (Print) 2157-9431 (Online).
《药理与制药》PP免费下载网址: http://www.scirp.org/journal/pp.

Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.03, Jul. 2011): (select part)

Amphetamine Versus Non Amphetamine-Related First Episode Psychosis in Saudi Arabian Patients
Ehab Said EL Desoky, Ashraf M A El-Tantawy, Yasser M. Raya, Abdulhameed Al-Yahya

A Study of Pungency of Capsaicinoid as Affected by Their Molecular Structure Alteration
Jun-Lian WANG, Zheng-hong PENG, Sheng-ze ZHOU, Jin-xi Zhang, Song-fei Zhang, Xiang-feng ZHOU, Xiao-bin ZHANG,
Bi-xian PENG

Morphological and Functional Alterations in Human Red Blood Cells Treated with Titanium Citrate
Gugliotta Tiziana, De Luca Grazia, Romano Pietro, Rigano Caterina, Romano Orazio, Scuteri Adriana, Romano Leonardo

Unsaturated Keto and Exomethylene Pyranonucleoside Analogues of Thymine and Uracil Exhibit Potent Antioxidant Properties
Chrysoula Spanou, Niki Tzioumaki, Stella Manta, Panagiotis Margaris, Dimitrios Kouretas, Dimitri Komiotis, Kalliopi Liadaki

Protective Effect of Resveratrol against Oxidation Stress Induced by 2-Nitropropane in Rat Liver
Maura Lodovici, Elisabetta Bigagli, Cristina Luceri, Elisa M Manni, Mohamed Zaid

Chromatographic Separation and Characterization of Capsaicinoids and Their Analogues
Jun-lian Wang, Li Zhou, Lei Wang, Zheng hong Peng, Sheng ze Zhou, Xiang feng Zhou, Xiao bin Zhang, Bixian Peng

PP是一本由科研出版社出版的关于药理与制药领域最新进展的国际期刊。科研出版社(Scientific Research Publishing)作为开放读取(Open Access)的先行者、世界最大的开源期刊之一,目前已有180多种期刊及配套的电子版本,内容涵盖自然科学、农业科学、医药科学、工程与技术科学、社会科学等领域。多个期刊已被CAS,EBSCO,CAB Abstracts,ProQuest ,IndexCopernicus,Library of Congress,Gale, CSP等数据库全文或摘要收录。