[外掛] Page Permissions(檢視權限)
發表於 : 2006-05-31 , 22:10
[外掛] Page Permissions(檢視權限)
代碼: 選擇全部
## MOD Title: Page Permissions
## MOD Author: drathbun <N> (Dave Rathbun) http://www.phpBBDoctor.com
## MOD Description: Set permissions by page (guest, reg, private, mod, admin)
## MOD Version: 1.0.0
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: ~ 5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: includes/constants.php, includes/functions.php, language/lang_english/lang_admin.php, language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## Included Files: cache_pages.php, admin_page_permissions.php, phpbbdoctor_cache_functions.php, page_permissions.php, page_permissions_list_body.tpl, page_permissions_edit_body.tpl
## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
代碼: 選擇全部
#-----[ OPEN ]-------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
// That's all Folks!
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]-------------------------------------
// BEGIN Page Permissions 1.0.0 (www.phpBBDoctor.com)
$lang['Add_new_page'] = '新增瀏覽頁面';
$lang['No_page_selected'] = '沒有頁面被選擇';
$lang['No_page_group'] = 'None';
$lang['Unknown_group_type'] = '不知明';
$lang['Page_permissions_admin_title'] = '檢視管理權限設定';
$lang['Page_permissions_element'] = '瀏覽頁面';
$lang['Page_ID'] = '瀏覽頁面 ID (系統指派)';
$lang['Page_name'] = '編號';
$lang['Page_function'] = '瀏覽頁面功能';
$lang['Guest_views'] = '訪客瀏覽';
$lang['Guest_views_pct'] = '百分比';
$lang['Guest_views_explain'] = '此瀏覽統計收集所有訪客瀏覽過的總頁面次數,系統管理員可以自行調整觀看次數。';
$lang['Member_views'] = '註冊會員瀏覽';
$lang['Member_views_pct'] = '百分比';
$lang['Member_views_explain'] = '此瀏覽統計收集所有註冊會員瀏覽過的總頁面次數,系統管理員可以自行調整觀看次數。';
$lang['Page_views'] = '檢視次數';
$lang['Page_views_pct'] = '百分比';
$lang['Total_page_views'] = '總瀏覽次數';
$lang['Page_permissions_explain'] = '此清單統計你指定的瀏覽頁面的總觀看次數。ID是系統自行指派。當註冊和訪客進入任何一個你指定的瀏覽頁面,系統就會自動更新統計數據。你可以利用此外掛功能去限制和禁止某一個瀏覽頁面,或者建立瀏覽權限等相關的功能。';
$lang['Disable_page'] = '要禁止嗎?';
$lang['Disable_page_explain'] = '此功能賦予你禁止個別瀏覽頁面,而不需要關閉整個論壇。所有系統管理階級人員仍然順利可以瀏覽,不過禁止其他會員和訪客進入此頁面。禁止時期可自行設定訊息提醒會員。';
$lang['Auth_level'] = '認證階級';
$lang['Page_parm_name'] = 'Parameter';
$lang['Page_parm_name_explain'] = 'Some pages have parameters based by GET or POST. If you want to check for a specific value, enter the parameter name to check here. An example might be "mode" for the profile page. You might want to set different permissions for "register" than you would for "viewprofile" or other values. Note that you do <b>not</b> have to define all possible parameter values, only those that you want to track or assign permissions to.';
$lang['Page_parm_value'] = 'Value (Required if Parameter is provided)';
$lang['Min_post_count'] = '最低總發表數';
$lang['Min_post_count_explain'] = '選擇"0"賦予某些瀏覽頁面的瀏覽權限必需以你所設定的最低總發表數。';
$lang['Max_post_count'] = '最高總發表數';
$lang['Max_post_count_explain'] = '選擇"0"表現你賦予某些瀏覽頁面的瀏覽權限必需以你所設定的最高總發表數。這個功能並不建議使用!';
$lang['Page_group'] = '群組認證';
\n$lang['Page_group_explain'] = '選擇個別或者多個群組賦予認證階級<b>Private</b>進入瀏覽頁面。';
$lang['Permission_public'] = '公開';
$lang['Permission_registered'] = '註冊會員';
$lang['Permission_private'] = '私人群組';
$lang['Permission_moderator'] = '版主管理員';
$lang['Permission_administrator'] = '系統管理員';
// Added when we included ability to enable / disable page view counts
$lang['Page_view_count_is'] = '目前瀏覽統計: ';
$lang['Count_views'] = '增加瀏覽統計: ';
$lang['Save_count_views'] = ' 儲存 ';
// Added when we included ability to mass enable / disable pages on page listing
$lang['Update_selected_pages'] = '更新選擇的頁面';
$lang['1_page_enabled'] = '目前有 1 個瀏覽頁面開放中';
$lang['1_page_disabled'] = '目前有 1 個瀏覽頁面禁止中';
$lang['X_pages_enabled'] = '目前有 %d 個瀏覽頁面開放中';
$lang['X_pages_disabled'] = '目前有 %d 個瀏覽頁面禁止中';
// General admin token strings used
// in all phpBBDoctor admin pages
$lang['Updated'] = ' 更新 ';
$lang['Inserted'] = ' 添加';
$lang['Deleted'] = ' 刪除 ';
$lang['Rebuild_cache'] = '重設快速緩衝貯存(cache)';
$lang['Cache_updated'] = ' 快速緩衝貯存(cache)更新 ';
$lang['Click_return_list'] = '請按 %s這裡%s 返回 %s 設定清單';
// END Page Permissions 1.0.0 (www.phpBBDoctor.com)
代碼: 選擇全部
#-----[ OPEN ]-------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
// That's all, Folks!
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]-------------------------------------
// BEGIN Page Permissions 1.0.0 (www.phpBBDoctor.com)
$lang['Page_disabled'] = '目前正在維護中, 暫時關閉瀏覽方便進度!';
$lang['Insufficient_privileges'] = '很抱歉!你並未獲授權檢視此頁!';
$lang['Post_count_too_low'] = '很抱歉!你的總發文數並未達到要求, 你無法檢視此頁!';
$lang['Post_count_too_high'] = '很抱歉!你的總發文數已經超出限制, 你無法檢視此頁!';
// END Page Permissions 1.0.0 (www.phpBBDoctor.com)