eXtreme Styles mod 2

phpBB 大部分皆是由竹貓星球提供資料!
主題中的帖子: 2
文章: 33477
註冊時間: 2001-10-05 , 10:10
個人狀態: 道骨學習佛心..^^..
貼心留言: 氣候不穩
性別: 公仔
來自: 黃金故鄉

eXtreme Styles mod 2

未閱讀文章 懸壺子 »


代碼: 選擇全部

## MOD Title: eXtreme Styles mod 2
## MOD Author: CyberAlien <no> (CyberAlien) http://www.phpbbstyles.com
## MOD Description: 
##		This mod is heavily optimized version of phpBB templates system
##		and has some additional features. It compiles and executes
##		files much faster, has cache system that speeds up templates
##		many times, allowes to use php in templates and few other new
##		features to style designers. Also it has huge control panel
##		that replaces phpBB styles management with more efficient
##		easy to use functions. It also allowes to quickly import/export
##		styles using .style format.
## MOD Version: 2.1.0
## Installation Level:	Easy
## Installation Time:	1-2 Minutes
## Files To Edit (0):
## Included Files (64): admin/admin_xs.php,
##			admin/xs_cache.php
##			admin/xs_chmod.php
##			admin/xs_clone.php
##			admin/xs_config.php
##			admin/xs_download.php
##			admin/xs_edit.php
##			admin/xs_edit_data.php
##			admin/xs_export.php
##			admin/xs_export_data.php
##			admin/xs_frame_top.php
##			admin/xs_frameset.php
##			admin/xs_import.php
##			admin/xs_include.php
##			admin/xs_include_import.php
##			admin/xs_include_import2.php
##			admin/xs_index.php
##			admin/xs_install.php
##			admin/xs_style_config.php
##			admin/xs_styles.php
##			admin/xs_uninstall.php
##			admin/xs_update.php
##			admin/xs_main.cfg
##			language/lang_english/lang_xs.php
##			xs_mod/formIE.css
##			xs_mod/images/button.gif
##			xs_mod/images/cellpic1.gif
##			xs_mod/images/cellpic2.jpg
##			xs_mod/images/cellpic3.gif
##			xs_mod/images/cellpic4.gif
##			xs_mod/images/dot.gif
##			xs_mod/images/spacer.gif
##			xs_mod/images/top_bg.gif
##			xs_mod/images/top_bg2.gif
##			xs_mod/images/top_logo.jpg
##			xs_mod/style.css
##			xs_mod/tpl/cache.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/clone.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/clone2.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/config.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/downloads.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/edit.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/edit_data.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/edit_data_list.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/edit_file.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/export.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/export2.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/export_data.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/export_data2.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/frame_top.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/frameset.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/ftp.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/import.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/import2.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/index.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/install.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/message.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/style_config.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/styles.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/uninstall.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/update.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/update2.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/xs_footer.tpl
##			xs_mod/tpl/xs_header.tpl
## Files To Overwrite (1):	includes/template.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ for the 
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code 
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered 
## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/ 
## Author Notes: 
## Important:
## Create directory "cache" within your phpBB2 root folder (if it isn't created
## yet) and chmod it to 777 (or change the owner to you httpd-servers owner).
## If you do not know how to CHMOD this article should help you: 
## http://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=22
## Important:
## When upgrading from mod version 1.19 or older version you MUST delete all
## files of old mod from directory "admin".
## Latest version of this mod can be found at this url:
## http://www.phpbbstyles.com
## Additional documentation for this mod can be found at this url:
## http://www.phpbbstyles.com/viewforum.php?f=6
## MOD Features:
##		- Fast templates compilation algorythm
##		- Fast templates execution (even if not cached)
##		- Cache system that doesn't use database
##		- Auto-check errors in templates while compiling
##		- Almost all features of this mod can be configured in acp
##		- PHP code in templates. PHP code should start with
##		  <?php or <PHP> and end with ?> or <ENDPHP>
##		  Short tags are not allowed. See manual for examples of code.
##		- Unlimited <BEGIN><END> switches in one line.
##		- Include other tpl files with <INCLUDE>
##		- You can configure separate .tpl files for usual template.php
##		  and eXtreme Styles template.php. It can be configured in xs.cfg
##		  (like jumpbox.tpl for usual phpbb and jumpbox_xs.tpl for xs mod
##		  that is included with this mod)
##		- Variable {LANG} that corresponds to current language. Can be
##		  used to create truly multi-lingual templates (you can use this
##		  in urls: "images/lang_{LANG}/icon_blah.gif").
##		- Variable {PHP} that corresponds to file extension with session
##		  data. Can be used to avoid modding when you need to add some
##		  url (like "somescript.{PHP}" or "script.{PHP}test=1")
##		  Variable contains "?" or "&" at the end so you could easily
##		  add arguments to url.
##		- Variable {TEMPLATE} that corresponds to current template
##		  directory (like "templates/subSilver/"). Can be used to avoid
##		  filenames case confusion and to fix phpBB path error when
##		  confirm_body.tpl and message_body.tpl are used in acp.
##		- In admin control panel you can switch all users from one style
##		  to another and easily change default style.
## New Features in 2.0:
##		- Faster template compilation
##		- Mod has its own interface independant from current style
##		- Mod completely replaces phpBB styles management
##		- Cache management
##		- Import/Export styles
##		- Clone templates and styles
##		- Better install/uninstall for styles
##		- Templates editor. Can also edit text files and .htaccess
## New Features in 2.1:
##		- Built-in support for Category Hierarchy mod 2.1.x
##		- Style configuration (applies only to complex configurable styles)
##  /***************************************************************************
##  *
##  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  *   (at your option) any later version.
##  *
##  ***************************************************************************/
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 

#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------ 

copy root/admin/admin_xs.php to admin/admin_xs.php
copy root/admin/xs_cache.php to admin/xs_cache.php
copy root/admin/xs_chmod.php to admin/xs_chmod.php
copy root/admin/xs_clone.php to admin/xs_clone.php
copy root/admin/xs_config.php to admin/xs_config.php
copy root/admin/xs_download.php to admin/xs_download.php
copy root/admin/xs_edit.php to admin/xs_edit.php
copy root/admin/xs_edit_data.php to admin/xs_edit_data.php
copy root/admin/xs_export.php to admin/xs_export.php
copy root/admin/xs_export_data.php to admin/xs_export_data.php
copy root/admin/xs_frame_top.php to admin/xs_frame_top.php
copy root/admin/xs_frameset.php to admin/xs_frameset.php
copy root/admin/xs_import.php to admin/xs_import.php
copy root/admin/xs_include.php to admin/xs_include.php
copy root/admin/xs_include_import.php to admin/xs_include_import.php
copy root/admin/xs_include_import2.php to admin/xs_include_import2.php
copy root/admin/xs_index.php to admin/xs_index.php
copy root/admin/xs_install.php to admin/xs_install.php
copy root/admin/xs_style_config.php to admin/xs_style_config.php
copy root/admin/xs_styles.php to admin/xs_styles.php
copy root/admin/xs_uninstall.php to admin/xs_uninstall.php
copy root/admin/xs_update.php to admin/xs_update.php
copy root/admin/xs_main.cfg to admin/xs_main.cfg
copy root/includes/template.php to includes/template.php
copy root/language/lang_english/lang_xs.php to language/lang_english/lang_xs.php
copy root/xs_mod/formIE.css to xs_mod/formIE.css
copy root/xs_mod/images/button.gif to xs_mod/images/button.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/cellpic1.gif to xs_mod/images/cellpic1.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/cellpic2.jpg to xs_mod/images/cellpic2.jpg
copy root/xs_mod/images/cellpic3.gif to xs_mod/images/cellpic3.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/cellpic4.gif to xs_mod/images/cellpic4.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/dot.gif to xs_mod/images/dot.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/spacer.gif to xs_mod/images/spacer.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/top_bg.gif to xs_mod/images/top_bg.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/top_bg2.gif to xs_mod/images/top_bg2.gif
copy root/xs_mod/images/top_logo.jpg to xs_mod/images/top_logo.jpg
copy root/xs_mod/style.css to xs_mod/style.css
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/cache.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/cache.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/clone.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/clone.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/clone2.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/clone2.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/config.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/config.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/downloads.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/downloads.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/edit.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/edit.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/edit_data.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/edit_data.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/edit_data_list.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/edit_data_list.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/edit_file.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/edit_file.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/export.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/export.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/export2.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/export2.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/export_data.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/export_data.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/export_data2.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/export_data2.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/frame_top.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/frame_top.tplr
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/frameset.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/frameset.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/ftp.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/ftp.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/import.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/import.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/import2.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/import2.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/index.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/index.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/install.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/install.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/message.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/message.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/style_config.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/style_config.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/styles.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/styles.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/uninstall.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/uninstall.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/update.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/update.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/update2.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/update2.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/xs_footer.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/xs_footer.tpl
copy root/xs_mod/tpl/xs_header.tpl to xs_mod/tpl/xs_header.tpl

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ 
# EoM
主題中的帖子: 2
文章: 33477
註冊時間: 2001-10-05 , 10:10
個人狀態: 道骨學習佛心..^^..
貼心留言: 氣候不穩
性別: 公仔
來自: 黃金故鄉

Re: eXtreme Styles mod 2

未閱讀文章 懸壺子 »

先拆掉 因為中文化關係....
版面鎖定 主題已鎖定
