原來是herbtw.com 這網域已經沒人用
因為岐黃是herb-tw.com 差一個字
原本herbtw.com 是 美商GDI樂活團隊-團隊支援網站
他們還說喔! 很好喔 保留第一手訊息給我們 要價 997美元
岐黃目前的網域herb-tw.com 租3年也不過800多元台幣
昨天去領酷狗廣告台幣和美元匯率 38.84元比1美元
那....997美元 要多少錢捏
Pending sale notification:
In a few days we plan to offer the domain name HERBTW.COM for sale.
Because you own the similar domain name herb-tw.com, we thought you my be interested in acquiring the preferred DotCom version of this domain.
We plan to offer this domain for sale in three days and believe there is likely to be strong interest in this domain name by multiple parties, but since you own a similar version of the domain we wanted to give you the first right of refusal.
If You`re interested in this domain:
Go to the domain reservation page, here, and indicate your interest in this domain by completing the contact form. When the domain is available for sale, you`ll be the first to hear about it.
Again, if you have interest in this domain, you need to RSVP right away at the reservation page located here: ...
If you have NO interest:
In acquiring the preferred DotCom version of this domain, simply click the "Cancel Notification" link below and we won`t contact you again.
Cancel Notifications: ...
Very best regards,
Pat Kenedy
tel: 303.997.1703
LeaderByChoice, INc
600 17th Street, Ste 2800 South
Denver, CO 80202-5428
酷狗翻譯 寫: 待出售的通知:
因為你自己的類似域名藥草- tw.com ,我們還以為你是我有意收購首選的Dotcom版本的網域。
同樣,如果你有興趣在這個領域,您需要回复馬上在保留頁瀏覽: http://amdomains1.us/buy.php?preorder=1 ... HERBTW.COM
取消通知: http://amdomains1.us/mailer/rem.php?email=yehrussell @ mail2000.com.tw
電話: 303.997.1703
600第17街, 2800年南聖
OK, You're All Confirmed!
Watch your email, this domain should be coming up for sale within the next 3 days.
We are planning to set the asking price for this domain at $997.00 because we believe there may be strong interest from multiple parties for this particular domain. By the time the domain actually goes on sale our asking price could be higher or lower than the $997 that we're currently planning and we are generally open to reasonable offers.
One last note: It's important that, if you really are interested, you respond right away when the notification email is sent. We're going to alert you right away, but the only way to guarantee you secure this domain is to act quickly
酷狗翻譯 寫:行,你都確認!