[RC1] IP Search

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註冊時間: 2001-10-05 , 10:10
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來自: 黃金故鄉

[RC1] IP Search

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[RC1] IP Search
by Thoul on Fri May 25, 2007 10:58 pm
http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... 0&t=546143
MOD Title: IP Search
MOD Description: Search for a user by IP address or host name.
MOD Version: RC1

MOD Download: [urlnew=http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dark ... p?download]Download[/urlnew]

This a phpBB 3 version of one of my phpBB 2 mods, IP Search. It adds a page to the ACP where you can enter an IP address and get a list of everyone that has recorded activity from that address. You can also enter a hostname to search; the modification will look up the IPs for that host and search for all of them. If a certain user is being a problem, you can view all of the IP addresses used for their account by entering their username, as well.

Two wildcards are supported in IP address searches, the * for matching many characters and the _ for matching single characters. This allows searches for IPs like 127*, 127.*.1, 127.0.*, 12_.0.0.1, 1_7.*, and so on.

After installing, look for the IP Search link in the User Security menu of the Users and Groups and on the .MODs page of the ACP.
Edit註解: 讓您的論壇,能在後台由會員名稱搜索出IP,由IP搜索出會員 By 懸壺子
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