Stoker 寫:[EXT] PM REG Notify
by Stoker » 15 Aug 2016, 08:33
Extension Name: PM REG Notify
Author: Stoker
Version: 3.2.0
PhpBB Version: 3.2.X
PM REG Notify shows a bar with a registration link to Guests. For registered users it shows a bar when there is new or unread Private messages. Included option for Font Awesome, user name, avatar and user disable in UCP
[EXT] PM REG Notify
- 懸壺子
- 系統管理員
- 主題中的帖子: 2
- 文章: 33868
- 註冊時間: 2001-10-05 , 10:10
- 個人狀態: 道骨學習佛心..^^..
- 貼心留言: 氣候不穩
- 性別: 公仔
- 來自: 黃金故鄉
- 聯繫:
[EXT] PM REG Notify